Friday, February 16, 2024

So what do you say?

Over on Marmelade Gypsy she wrote this post that included a part about Elmo asking everyone "How is everybody doing?"  You can read more about it here. 

Which got me thinking; when someone asks you "and how are you doing today," what do you say back to them?

In my case it all depends on who is asking, but more often than not I will tell people if I am having a good day or a bad one.

Why do I do that; I would prefer it if people didn't bother asking me at all if they are not interested.  I know it's good manners to ask after people's health and mental well being, but why bother asking if you're not interested?

I will also just give folk a long winded account of something random, just for the hell of it, especially when I can tell they really don't care how I am........I know I have a very sad sense of humour!!  Hopefully they'll never ask me again.

When I say and "how are you doing?"  I am not alarmed when people give me a long winded answer, because I asked because I care.  If I didn't care I wouldn't have asked in the first place!!

Oh, and before I go, "and how are you doing today........I do really want to know and I do care."


Joy said...

I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I had a lovely time out yesterday and the feel-goodness hangs around. I'm hoping to spend some time in my garden today too - that always makes me feel good.
How are you doing today? xx

Hard up Hester said...

I used to say "hello, how are you" to everyone but I soon learnt not to say it to my sister in law. Despite being in her early 20's at the time, she would launch into a detailed description of her health. Apart from being overweight there was nothing wrong with her. But not could she ramble on for hours.
She is now 70 and still exactly the same.

Boud said...

My answer is always fine thank you. It's just a formula greeting. I avoid people who proceed to tell me! Particularly one acquaintance who talked non-stop for nearly half an hour about every detail. We were in a car and I couldn't escape!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I generally take the 'how are you' in the same vein as 'hi'. They seem to go together and I pretty much always assume the person asking says it by rote and really doesn't want to know. It's only certain people who are close to me that I know DO want to know (and even then sometimes I'm not so sure).

Jeanie said...

I'm much like you - if someone asks, they'll probably get, especially if they are someone I trust and care about. If it's a stranger -- well, then I decide! And when I ask, I want to know, otherwise there are plenty of other greetings one can use.

As for me, today I'm doing well. It's a smiling day! Thanks for asking!

angela said...

Think for most people is just a habit. Hello. How are you?
Your correct. They don’t really want to know. And the answer is habit too.
Fine thanks. How are you?
I like how you give the long winded answer. It made me giggle lol

My Piece of Earth said...

To me the "how are you today" greeting is just an extension of "Hello" and I usually only say that to people I have met previously but not friends with ie: neighbours living in this building.

Today, I am do well, thanks for asking. Dr. appointment was positive, even though I had to wait three bloody hours before I was done.

Then I did some retail therapy.

How are you doing today, Gill.

Jackie said...

Doing not too badly and now that I know how long I can embroider before getting a headache much better. Thank you very much.

God bless.

Patio Postcards said...

Funny you should ask. We, at church, just listened to a prayer coach talk about this very thing. The talk went into why in this current society the question of how are you, lost its very base of caring ... the rising of the "I" , the asking with the only intent of getting to how I am ... it was interesting, the badge of honour, I'm so busy ...

So thanks for asking, I am delightful. What about you?

Flip, Flop & Fly - Sunday Song

Love Tom Jones, such a great singer................ Do you have a favourite Tom Jones song?  I really enjoy this one.