As I am sitting here writing this post the wind is howling outside. It sounds like a train and it has been like this all through the night making for a difficult night to sleep. This is the Wind Warning that has been issued by Environment Canada:
Wind Warning
Issued at 4:42 AM EST Saturday 3 March 2012

Very strong southwest winds continue today in the wake of a cold front.
A cold front associated with an intense storm system continues to move from west to east across Southern Ontario this morning. Very strong southwest winds of 60 km/h with gusts to 90 km/h have been reported in some locales and are forecast to continue today. Even stronger winds are possible in exposed areas along the shores of the Great Lakes, where sustained winds could reach 70 km/h and gusts may exceed 100 km/h. The strong winds are forecast to diminish by this evening.
We are very fortunate up here in Southern Ontario, as we are technically only being clipped with this nasty storm, the poor people in the southern States are the ones who have suffered and many lives have been lost; you can read about it here I can't start to imagine how frightened they were as the winds we are experiencing up here are making me very nervous.
The only good thing about this weather is that it has started to melt the snow. It's a day to hibernate but I have to go out later and do the grocery shopping with dh. Wish me luck!!
What's the weather doing in your neck of the woods?
Hello Gill
Its been blowing a gale and pouring with rain all day but is easing up a bit now (11pm) Tomorrow is going to be wet and 26c - Summer really had gone!
Take care
Cathy @ Still Waters
Extreme high Winds here South of the Checkerboard. The snow has arrived and it is fiercely blowing ... my Checkerboard Aussies didn't want to stay out long this morning ! Stay grounded.
It is windy and snowy here with temperatures at -18 plus lower with the wind chill. Glad I did my shopping yesterday. May hibernate today and get the laundry done plus some sewing.
you don't really want to know what it's doing in west central you? Suffice it to say I've had the AC on...and no snow, no wind, no ice, not even liquid sunshine! Sounds boring to ups or downs, no life threatening challenges...however I'll be staying here (there's always hurricane season to look forward to)! You and dh be safe on your grocery shopping expedition!
So glad that your habd is on the mend.
Your weather sounds awful and my heart goes out to those families who have lost someone in those storms. It is sunny here but cold.
Good luck with your shopping expedition.
The wind last night was a howler here too, not quite as strong this a.m. All of our snow, what we had, has been gone for a few days, however, currently we have a few flakes of snow that are blowing around, it is not suppose to amount to much.
Glad your hand is feeling better.
As you say, those poor people who have had to deal with the tornadoes. I was watching the news last night, just so dreadful. Mother Nature can be a scary thing.
Glad you are taking care of that hand of yours. Wishing you back to 100 percent good health.
I didn't sleep and I'm worried about trees falling through the windows! Off to get me mop chopped this afternoon.
Jane x
I'm glad your hand is doing better! They're announcing strong winds up here too. I have also been thinking a lot about the poor people down in the States that were hit with all those tornadoes, it really is awful :o(
-7C and sunny here. Lovley! Going up to 0C, but flurries forecast for tomorrow afternoon. I'll be getting out for a walk sometime today to enjoy the sun! :)
I went to get a Timmy's and a newspaper early this morning and it was all I could do to get out of Timmy's. I pushed as hard as I could and leaned my entire weight against the door but I couldn't get it open til someone came along outside and together we got it open. So I would have to say it's a wee bit windy round these parts!!
I've been wondering how you are all doing in Southern Ontario. My sister lives in Scarborough. You probably won't believe it, but that weather you're having up there starts all the way down here. We get a 'storm' front (that means a small amount of rain and some squirrelly winds) and off it goes gathering speed and nasty other stuff all the way up to Canada. Its the winds that give me the clue, they come off the ocean but swirl all around before they move on N. E.
We had nasty winds, but no damage here. We had a tiny bit of hail, but my nephew 70 miles east of us had damage to his siding and their small green house from the hail. Daugher lives not far from him, and had an old basketball goal blow over...but she said it was in bad shape anyway.
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