I personally prefer the lighter one, but both are nice.
Dh took me grocery shopping on Sunday morning, bless his heart. He even took me to No Frills and he hates shopping in that store. Thankfully it was nice and quiet so that was a blessing.
Anyhoo, I spent $73.94 and had savings of $10.39 bringing my monthly total up $134.13 spent and $29.51 in savings. Stocked up on Casa Di Mama pizzas, and chicken noodle soup for me. Again I must be sick as I NEVER eat chicken noodle soup, but at least it's lighter on my stomach. I even bought Italian Wedding soup, which is something I never eat either. Just not happy with the amount of Sodium in them but as long as I keep drinking plenty of water it won't kill me.
"The Messenger," by Siri Mitchell
Hannah Sunderland felt content in her embrace of the Quaker faith... until her twin brother joined the Colonial cause and ended up in jail. She longs to bring some measure of comfort to him in the squalid prison, but her faith forbids it. The Friends believe that they are not to take sides, not to take up arms. She is not allowed to visit him, even if she were able to secure a pass.
Jeremiah Jones, a Colonial spy, needs access to the jail to help rescue men important to the cause. Upon meeting Hannah, a plan begins to develop. Who would suspect a pious Quaker visiting a loved one?
But Jeremiah is unprepared for Hannah, for her determination to do right, to not lie. How can one be a spy and not lie? Hannah, in turn, is surprised by Jeremiah... for the way he forces her to confront her own beliefs, for the sensitivity and concern that he shows her despite the wounds he still carries.
This is actually not a bad book, as long as you can wade through the first half of the book, because it is very slow going at first, and I mean snail like slow going. If you can hang in there though, it is worth it, as the story does get interesting and it is not without it's twists and turns along the way. This particular period in history and the Quakers are not subjects that really grab me. I did find a couple of the story lines a bit unbelievable, especially when Hannah went behind enemy lines, but overall this book kept me out of mischief for a few days.
Oh and that is also a tell tale sign for me as to how long it takes me to read a book. A really good book I can read in a day, this one probably took me five days, as I couldn't stick with it. Mind you the last half of the book, I probably read in less than a day, as it got interesting.
Stars out of 5 : 3 Very slow going, as has been all the books this month, but well worth the read if you can stick with it.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".
DD's wreaths are lovely especially the light coloured one. Makes a great gift.
Hope you enjoy your soup.
Hope you get feeling better soon!!
Your poor tum!
Jane x
I like the wreaths, they are really cute and aren't tied to any particular season. Get work!!
Hope you feel better soon Gill, I don't like a lot of salt either but some times with soups it just tastes better that way :)
Aww, hope you feel better soon! :)
Very pretty wreaths...hope the soup helps you to feel better!
Hope you are overing your illness, Gill...love your book reviews, by the way. I've just finished reading the cats table. by michael ondaatje about three friends leaving Sri Lanka by ship headed to England...it was quite good,
again, feel better soon!!
I was hoping you'd be free of sickness this year Gill. You had enough of that last year.
The wreaths are lovely. Their simplicity defies the skill required to make them, I'm sure.
Get well soon.
The wreaths are lovely, very "rustic" looking! :) I have that book waiting to be read... we tend to have the same opinion of books so i'll see how I make out with this one!
so youre feeling badly - and DD is making wreaths....................
mmmmmmmmmmmmm...........-could be a connection there...............
first refusal on the parafin lamp
I love the wreaths. Hope you feel better soon!
Sounds like you are still a bit under the weather...maybe by the time you read this you will be feeling better.
I would be happy with either wreath...they are nice.
Both wreaths are quite attractive. Your daughter is clever with her hands.
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