Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Watery Wednesday........

My contribution for the week, are icicles hanging from the garage.

(for more detail, click on the photos)

For more Watery Wednesday photos, please click on the link


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes Gill---that is 'watery.' Once the thaw comes, those icicles will all fall down --and make LOTS of noise!!! Hope you aren't under them when they break and fall.. Yipes!!!

George said...

Beautiful icicles, Gill. Won't we be glad when it's too warm for them?

Scrappy quilter said...

I agree, beautiful icicles Gill. I can't wait until we see no more of those this year. It is warming up here again this week. I'll send some your way hopefully, although I think you're even warmer than we are.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, dangerous though. We are enjoying a bit of snow, for a change, and the entire country is at stand still.

Judy said...

i think the icicle as murder weapon has already been used, but there are variations! the biggest probkem is the handle. i think it would slide through your hand, rather than going to the heart of the matter
and i would not use gill's pretty icicles, in ant case!!

Anonymous said...

Great captures.

Anonymous said...

I think icicles are amazing, especially since I never see any. These are great. I really like the last one. It looks like alien fingers coming over the edge.


Great shots of a murderweapon never to be found!

cheshire wife said...

Ingenious interpretation of the title!

EG CameraGirl said...

Seems like there are more icicles this year than most...or is that just my imagination?

kden said...

Icicles are so fascinating to watch; they change shape and size quickly. Thankfully ours are gone. Now if we could just get rid of the rest of the snow on the ground.

bass said...

That's watery indeed, just iced. These are great photos.

Anonymous said...

Great! And a little witchy, too (but in a good way-lol)

Mojo said...

Oooh I really like that last one! Kind of disembodied and alien looking. Very cool! (no pun intended)

Anonymous said...

Pretty. We don't have them here. But they do look somewhat like stalactite, right?

DeniseinVA said...

Icicles always make for a fun photo. You have a nice set of them here. Hope you thaw out soon up there.

Carletta said...

I really like the last one too.

Allison said...

Very pretty! The last one is definitely my favorite! We've had plenty of those so far this year. :)

Rudee said...

Looks a lot like my neck of the woods. My eaves are full of ice.

Anonymous said...

Yaay! So pretty icicles! Love the sky on the 3rd photo too!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I wonder what causes an icicle to branch like that?

Anonymous said...

Very nice entry.

Tammie Lee said...

Icicles are so wonderful and you have captured them in a great way!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I think those shots say it all for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere! A real winter for most of us this year. A x

Cathy said...

Is it sunny and warm anywhere..everyone has pictures of nasty snow and ice.. I want spring to come really fast...

mommanator said...

didn't just love to punch them down and eat them as a kid? my folks always yelled they would make me sick, but never did!
When I see my grands around them I am worried they will fall and hit them on the head, and it comes full circle!

Anonymous said...

The photos are so neat! I love icicles!

Janet said...

This reminds me of the icicles on my roof last week. Brr!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...