Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Just heavy.

It's that time of year when my all time favourite flower is in bloom.  My red poppy; it's stunning.  It's such a shame it's never in bloom for very long.

Now despite being British I have no luck when it comes to growing roses.  I have one mini rose in the garden, and it's hanging in there by a thread!

My white peony is coming into bloom also.  I need to pick some, as every year we get a summer storm and it gets bashed to bits.
I also have a couple of white clematis in flower now.  The purple ones are all done.

I "think" this may be a Columbine?  Not 100% sure.
One thing I need to look for are Irises.  This is a mini one.

Finally my bleeding heart, I have a white one, but it's all done flowering for the year.  They are hardy plants.
Are you busy gardening?


Joy said...

Absolutely beautiful. xx

Linda said...

Those photos are stunning. I am busy looking at the few plants I have in pots, some hanging.

Patio Postcards said...

Your red poppy is lovely. My white ones are odd this year, one clump is in full bloom, the other hanging on to the closed buds & then grow side by side ... odd. I like your white clematis, very clear clean white.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Beautiful garden! I, too, love those poppies the most. We had several different colours in our previous garden and they were a delight (although the red ones were still my favourites).

Meg B. said...

I am pretty sure that's a meadow rue. It gets mistaken for Columbine because the foliage is very similar. Regardless, your flowers are beautiful. Poppies are some of my favorites as well. We planted them EVERYWHERE on this property.

Meg B. said...

I am pretty sure that's a meadow rue. It gets mistaken for Columbine because the foliage is very similar. Regardless, your flowers are beautiful. Poppies are some of my favorites as well. We planted them EVERYWHERE on this property.

Janice said...

Beautiful flowers! You are quite a bit ahead of us in Alberta. My tulips are just about finished, the aliums are all in bud and I have my usual over 100 buds on my peony. Nothing on the roses yet. Oh, my deep purple iris is flowering. Always the first to flower and sadly only last a few days.

Jackie said...

Just lovely!! Nothing really flowering here yet and those that are, today are being beaten to the ground with the terrible (96 km an hour gusts) winds.

God bless.

Rose said...

I love poppies but don't have, that is not would LOVE their flowers I bet. i would post one but I don't think I have any photos of any.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...