Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Packed lunch

Hubby takes a packed lunch every day for his lunch at work.  As he is retiring soon, I thought I'd record what he took for lunch for one week at work, so I could look back and remember what I used to pack.  

I will say for many years he took sandwiches, but he wanted to change it up a couple of years ago, so change it up I did.  Then we got one of the divided lunch boxes, so changed it up again.

He takes lunch four days a week, and on the fifth as he works only until lunch time, he just takes a couple of snacks/breakfast and has lunch at home.

So here is what he took one week for his breakfast and lunch.

Monday: He had, a wedge of cheese, a boiled egg.  Two cooked sausages, sliced up with a small container of mustard.  A bag of crackers, cut up cucumber and dip.  Melon, a pudding and a yogurt.  He did not eat it all.

Tuesday: A muffin, a Scotch egg, crackers, cucumber and dip.  Yogurt and pudding.  The melon was under ripe, so had to throw it out.
Wednesday: I had lunch out the day before and I didn't eat my spinach and feta pie from the Greek place, so gave that to hubby with the dip.  A boiled egg, cucumber, crackers, Bear Paws yogurt bar, a granola bar, a pudding and a yogurt.
Thursday: Cucumber and dip, a Scotch egg, cubed cheese.  Crackers, Bear Paw yogurt bar, Fruit Filled bar, a granola bar, a banana, a yogurt and a pudding.
He has no fridge to put his lunch box in, so uses a couple of ice packs.  However, when the temperature is very high outside, I have to be careful with what I pack in his lunch.

When we eat lunch at home, we often eat Ryvita crackers with cottage cheese or Hummus and rice crackers.  Along with fruit and granola bars, or apple sauce.  We have our main meal at night.


Linda said...

Those seem like very nutritious and reasonable lunches. Someday, I want to try a Scotch egg.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'd say your hubby gets some pretty great lunches! My DH pretty much always took leftovers in his lunch although once our boys got big enough to eat everything in sight there often weren't any leftovers so he ended up with a sandwich or soup.

50 and counting said...

Much like my lunches for work. Unfortunately eggs are out due to an allergic reaction. My coworkers all know about it. I miss quiche, Scotch Eggs (still make them for the family) and an omelette. Just not worth the risk.

I pack up the Ryvita to have with those Rio Mari tins of tuna salad. Or pack some shredded lettuce to have with the tin.

Margie from Toronto said...

I go into the office 3 mornings a week so usually just take a snack - fruit, or a yogurt or something that I've baked. I can make tea at the office or pick up a coffee on the way in. When I worked full days I took my lunch about 90% of the time and, like your hubby, enjoyed changing it up from time to time. I worked for one boss who had the same thing every day - either a PB & Jam sandwich or a tuna sandwich - both with an apple.

Because I get home around 2pm I might just have a cup of tea and then I eat my mains meal around 3 or 4pm. If I'm hungry later I might have some crackers and cheese or yogurt - that sort of thing. Even on the days that I work from home I tend to eat breakfast later in the morning and then have my main meal around mid-afternoon.

I have a few of those divided containers and they are handy.

Rose said...

I had to look up what a scotch egg sounds good.

Joy said...

Yum - he is a lucky bunny!! xx

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