Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Not at all happy

with the election results, nothing has changed basically for any of the parties.  It was a total waste of $600 + million dollars, and who has to pay for!!  It wouldn't be so bad, but we are going to be doing it again in another 18 - 24 months.  Does Mr. Trudeau think that money grows on trees?  If it were a private business where you are held accountable for what you spend none of this would have happened.  Okay, stepping off my high horse now😏

Was waiting for hubby in the truck while he was getting gas and noticed this little guy.  There is a wooded area behind the gas station, so he must have come from there.  He must be quite tame, as it is a busy gas station.  Once he got on top of the garbage bin he just sat there watching me.

Gas prices were running at $1.34 per litre where we live in Southern Ontario.  I was thinking back to last year when it was under $1 pre litre.  Like everything else it's gone up in price.


Caree Risover said...

Almost identical increase here In UK where again the price for petrol dropped to just over £1 per litre last summer but £1.34 is now a competitive price (I’ve seen £1.56 near the motorway). I was actually smiling at finding a place to fill up at for £1.329 the other day. - probably the most I’ve ever paid! Oh no, I’ve just done the conversion from Canadian dollars, at least if you do likewise, you’ll feel better.

Practical Parsimony said...

Is that a black squirrel? If so, I have never, ever seen a black squirrel.

William Kendall said...

All of the leaders need to understand that the country expects them to work together now.

lorie said...

I don't know if you have a Costco membership, but the gas prices there are always 6-8 cents lower than everywhere else. It is 128.9 this morning. Depends on how much you fill up in a month, over the course of the year you could save enough for a basic Costco membership.

Karen said...

We don't have any black squirrels where I live, but they are sure common where my siblings live in Peterborough. They are HUGE!!

Jackie said...

I really don't think there will be an election that soon...Unless there is a nonconfidence vote and then it is not the governments fault, rather the oppositions.

When we were just outside of Jasper we stopped for gas $1.45.9 a liter. We just had our price drop to $1.29.9 a liter here in southeast Saskatchewan.

God bless.

50 and counting said...

I wish people would remember Justin was the fool who said "budgets balance themselves"!

The only time gas has been under $1/litre here was last spring when the market crashed.

Maggie said...

As Caree said your petrol is way cheaper than here in the UK YOUR 1.34 comes out at 77p, if only ours were that cheap, lol
I've never seen a black squirrel, are they a common sight?

Maggie said...

As Caree said your petrol is way cheaper than here in the UK YOUR 1.34 comes out at 77p, if only ours were that cheap, lol
I've never seen a black squirrel, are they a common sight?

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...