Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our Little Munchkin's things I have made her......

First, thank you all for your lovely comments.  I really appreciate them.  

Our Little Munchkin was two in November and is growing so fast.  Since she moved up a class in school, her talking has improved ten the point she never shuts up!!!  She is so funny and comes out with the funniest things.  Her latest is, "I'm tired," said in a whining voice when she doesn't want to do something.  Then for extra effect if her mother is about she will snuggle into her and suck her thumb, which she does when she is tired.  However........if you wait a minute or two she forgets she said she is tired and is running around like a crazy person again!

She had the biggest meltdown the other night, because her dad put toothpaste on her toothbrush and she likes to do it.  Dd sat her in her bedroom and dd sat on the bed watching her till it all blew over, then she got into bed and went to sleep for the night.  I would love to be able to understand a toddlers mind.  Our Little Man can go into full meltdown mode if someone else other than him puts his clothes into the laundry hamper???

As I said to dd, this is why young people have children, as us older ones would be worn to a frazzle with toddler's and their meltdowns!

Anyhoo, back to what I have made for her.  I did show you the apron, as she loves to help in the kitchen.  However don't ask her to wear it any other time, as she won't, it's specifically for helping in the kitchen.  When she tried it on to show me it fit, she was Facetiming me.  She promptly took the phone and popped it into the apron pocket and wandered off, with me shouting, hello, I'm still here!!
I also made her, her first handbag/purse, I used this pattern and altered it to suit me:
I did make a matching change purse to go inside of it, but didn't take a photo.

I also made all three grands little pixie baskets a while back.

Finally here is a photo of her taken at the beginning of the month for picture day at school.  Now her dad had to get her ready as her mum was at work, so her hair is straight forward, (actually not sure what dad did to it?), as dad like Nana doesn't have the expertise to do the fancy braids like her mum does.
The dress is from the Gap, as we bought it, and probably the rest of the outfit is as well.  We get great deals from the Gap when the sales are on.  She is super tall and is in a 3T and in some cases a 4T because of her height.  She is at least a head bigger than most kids her age.  Her dad is over 6 feet.


mamasmercantile said...

She certainly is a pretty girl. I smiled when she walked off with the phone in her pocket...great makes.

Boopnut said...

My great niece is also tall for her age, and then we forget that she is just a little girl. She is now 7. I love all the things you make for Nora. She looks like a honey!

Patricia said...

Love all the tings you have made for "the grands". They grow up so fast don't they. My great grand son Ethan has just turned 6 years and is in size 8 clothes. Neither his Mum Or Dad is tall so don't, know where he gets his height from. He can eat like a horse, very active so not fat, just solid. He Dad is into weight lifting etc. so Ethan does a lot of exercise too.

Wish it would warm up and say I want to get into the garden.

Have a great day.


Jackie said...

What a sweetie. I just bet she loved that gorgeous handbag.

God bless.

Betsy said...

I smiled my way through this post because your stories remind me so much of our little Piper who is 3, all the way to wandering off with the phone! Love all of the lovely things you've made for her too. She is a little doll. And I agree with your reasoning of why our children have the little ones. I just can't keep up anymore.

Rose said...

These are all lovely items...and she is growing like a weed.

William Kendall said...

What a cutie!

Jane said...

She's gonna be a tall one! Are you still knitting too? Your sewing creations are really nicely done!!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

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