Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A little bit of news.............

In case you are wondering why there is a flurry of activity at The Acreage its because we are thinking of putting the house on the market in the Spring of 2014 and so we get as much money as possible for this house, we have a few jobs to do to make the house more presentable/worth more money.

What with that and the wonderful weather we have been having it's an ideal time to do some decorating.  So now the family room walls has had FIVE coats of paint, but it's now at a point I like it.  I want to hold off showing you the after photos as we haven't finished yet and won't be for a couple of weeks as we have decided to invest in a carpet for the family room, as the hardwood floor is from 1974 and it shows!

So why are we thinking of moving.............

There are a few reasons.  Health is the main one, both dh and I are suffering with various ailments that makes doing some jobs around here difficult.  Going on vacation we realized how much we missed going away.  Anyone who owns a house whether it be old or new, knows there is always something needed done on it.  However with these old century houses, there is constant maintenance which in turn means constant money being spent.  And between me and you, I am getting a tad fed up of having no money due to spending it on the house.

We have not made our mind up 100% yet, but have decided to get some jobs that needed doing done just in case.  If we do move we are planning on going back into town.  We are staying in the area as we love it up here, I just want dh to have some free time, as at the moment it's all work and no play.  Which is no good for anyone.

One thing for sure, if we do move we will dearly miss the view we have:


Evelyn said...

lots of big changes! I understand your reasoning though but you will miss the view which is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

That will be a big change, but it makes sense. I would not want to care for such a large house and property and have it eat up all my income! It's such a big commitment. I know you would miss it, but you'd enjoy being in town, too!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gill I understand why there is never enough time in the day and taking care of a house and yard as well as all the money to do so takes away from the most enjoyable parts of your life. I do hope you can find a place where there will be no shoveling or mowing or fixing. There is a time in our lives we need to keep our health and enjoy our live. Hug B

Debby said...

Oh my what a view!!! I know you will miss waking up to such a pretty sight but you are so right about the work. Life is too short!

Jane and Chris said...

I hear you!
Jane xx

tlcukjourney said...

That IS a gorgeous view Gill, if you do sell your house... It will be exciting to see where you will move! Do you think you'll ever move back to England?
Much love,

Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Maybe it 'is' time to move on - you have obviously thought it out well and keeping well is a good enough reason on its own.
All change - the journey is taking another direction lol
Take care
commenting via blogger - link is to new w/press blog

bonsaimum said...

I think we all reach that point where maintaining the family home is quite a chore and yearn for something perhaps easier to look after and doesn't cost a fortune.

Rose said...

I can understand your wanting to have free time...but I would sure miss that view, too.

Scrappy quilter said...

I totally understand. One of the reasons we sold and moved to the city.

Jackie McGuinness said...

That is exactly why we sold our beloved home and got a condo. Too much work and we wanted to travel much more, and spend the winters away.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...