Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Touchy subject....

So the subject of vaccination can be a touchy subject.  I am on the side of vaccination is the only way to go.  All our family are double vaccinated.  As soon as they bring in the vaccinations for the 5 - 11 year old's my grandchildren of that age will also be vaccinated. 

Some people think it's all a bunch of lies this covid.  Hubby works with a couple of people; actually 3 people who refuse to have the vaccination.  One of them I don't know why, but the other two just refuse to get them.  "O" reckons he won't get it.  "K" reckons if everyone else gets the vaccination he'll be safe.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and dh gets a text from work to say that "K" wife has just tested positive for covid.  Thankfully, dh hadn't seen "K" and was now on vacation.  Fast forward to this week and "K" now has covid and is in hospital on oxygen.  His wife's brother was also so sick he was hospitalized for the same reason.  "K's" elderly parents thankfully were vaccinated but they too caught covid from "K."

So dh's boss now has decided that until everyone is double vaccinated in the company, they have to get a covid test on a Friday and you are not allowed to go into work until you get a negative covid test.  When told this, this is what "O" said:

Well that sounds like a lot of work, I may as well go and get vaccinated.


I am beyond frustrated with "K," "O," and the rest of the folk who don't want to get vaccinated when they don't have a valid reason not too.  They are filling up the ICU's, so there is no room for other people.

Covid is never going to go away; it's like the flu.  Folk do your bit!


Practical Parsimony said...

I so agree with you. That was funny what "O" said.

Joy said...

How annoying!¬ It's a most selfish attitude, I think, although I am sorry that K and his b i l are so poorly and more so that he had given it to his parents. That's a hard way to learn.

Maggie said...

Its all about personal choice, and has to remain personal choice if we live in a democracy, otherwise, we don't. When people are scared they make decisions about things that they would otherwise take time over, Meanwhile pharmaceuticals are making millions. I'm NOT an antivaxer, this is my personal choice, I had one, feeling pressured to do so, wished I hadn't, ended up at the docs and told her I would have no more, her response was, you are not alone. We haven't been told the truth from the start and are still not.

Marie said...

Hear, hear! I cannot understand anti-vaxxers at all. I do believe that part of the spreading problem as been down to people not being careful or not caring if they are careful or not and some being downright bloody minded with regards how they deal with it – or not.

Initially I thought I'd not get it as I felt that my lifestyle of being pretty insular, with the highlight of my week being going out with the dog or down to the boat, it was easier for me to say "Nope, don't want it". But as I saw cases growing and no end in sight, then I decided that it was far better to be safe than sorry. The Delta variant was a game changer - Covid is tricky, mutating in ways we don't always understand.

I saw in my newsfeed again this morning that the numbers have gone up again here. We cannot afford to let our guard down for even a moment I think.

Maggie said...

Not all people who don't want the vaccine are anti voters.

Maggie said...

Sorry should have said anti vaxers

Cheryl said...

You are a brave woman. My whole fan my has been vaccinated and my husband and me will get our booster shots next week. I would rather been chipped or given a experimental drug than be intubated.

Stella said...

Gill, my niece's husband died on the 21st of September from covid. Spent 7 days in Icu on the vent. He was one of those people who didn't get vaccinated. His attitude was nobody is going to tell me I need to be vaccinated. This whole thing with covid is a lie. Well he died. My niece and her 4 sons were vaccinated. Noone came down with covid after being around niece's husband. My great newphew put a picture of his dad in Icu on the vent with all kinds of tubes attached to him on facebook saying this could be you if you don't get vaccinated. My niece's husband refused also to wear a mask. We are vaccinated and wear our mask when out. Our school district has an 11% rate of absentee for students due to covid.

Jackie said...

So agree with you on this. Our immediate family is all double vaccinated and oldest son will be or has gotten a booster as his first shot was AstraZeneca. He also got the shots after having what was a mild case of Covid....

We do have those in the extended family that are still saying this is fake, or that they will never get it. Christmas is coming and if they plan on being with the family, I won't be there and neither will the rest of my crew.

Just get the darn vaccine is what I say. And I hope that companies that require the test also are making their employees pay for it.

God bless.

William Kendall said...

I'm double vaccinated. I know a couple of guys. One's a good guy who was hesitant, but when it became clear his work would be going mandatory vax, he got his first and is waiting on his second. The other is double vaxxed, but for the sole reason that it was a precondition to get into a local electronic music festival. Him I don't really like.

I'm convinced my idiot ex brother in law is an anti vaxxer.

sandi s said...

I’m with you on this! Just get the vaccine!! Hugs,


I haven't been around for a while.  Been busy and have been sick.  There is a nasty viral infection going around and I caught it.  Could...