Saturday, April 15, 2023

Quite the name............

When I was grocery shopping last week I was checked out by a guy with a very unusual name.  All cashiers wear name tags and this guy's name was: ARCADE.

So of course I gave him the third degree on his name😁  Turns out he had legally changed it to Arcade as his parents had named him Michael, which he said was a very plain and common name, and he wanted something more distinctive.  I did ask him if he was a "gamer," he said no but he did say a lot of people ask him about his name.

There were probably a hundred more questions running through my head, but by this time he had finished with my order.  Very nice kid (probably 19/20 years of age), but a very odd choice of name in my opinion.

Have you run across a very odd name in your travels?


William Kendall said...

Nothing at all wrong with Michael. In a few years when he's looking for more responsibilities in a job, that name could be problematic.

Rachel said...

Yes. I went to grade school with a girl whose name was Tomorrow. To me Arcade isn't horrible as a name. It is definitely unique.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I suppose there are worse names. Just check out some of the names that celebrities have given their kids!

Practical Parsimony said...

I just met a man named Laquarius but people just call him Cue because they cannot remember how to pronounce his name. I asked his last name and he said Ball so people just call him Cue Ball. I was amused. Then, I notice he had two earrings bot a Q with rhinestones. I kept talking to him and he said Q was what people called him and his last name was Woods. Okay, it was a big joke and yet the truth. He was a store employee without a name tag.
Another store employee had a tag on that was actually another word for fat. I forgot what the name was, but when I remember, I will tell you. It was appalling.


I haven't been around for a while.  Been busy and have been sick.  There is a nasty viral infection going around and I caught it.  Could...