and before you know it, here I am writing this post at 6pm on Sunday night. Where did the day go too?
The day was spent on the internet looking at places that we thought we might like to go to on vacation this year. That and researching a Google Nest Door Bell camera and various other Door Bell Camera's.
I mean one minute it was 9am and before we knew it, it was lunch time. Popped out after lunch to buy a new snow shovel, got this one:
![]() |
Garant Snow Pusher |
We have had a few of these over the years and love the ergonomic handle. It's great for our sore backs.
Came back from buying that and got back on the computer trying to narrow down where we want to go. We had thought the UK, but it looks as though we have family coming over, so no need to go this year.
For those of you who have followed my blog for a while, you know we favour Tennessee and the Carolina's. I adore Charleston, SC; and the Smokies. South Carolina is tugging at me to go. We still have enough time to book, we never normally go until September; I just don't want to spend an arm and a leg on a vacation.
We enjoy being able to park at our lodgings and walking everywhere. However staying downtown Charleston is super expensive (((SIGH))). I haven't looked at Savannah, Georgia, that might be an option? Or do we spend a week in the Nashville area? So many places to visit.....
Then as for the door bell it begrudges me paying for a monthly service so we can "store" video footage of people coming to our door. We do not need security camera's as neighbours around us have them.
I will say (touching wood) that we live in a safe area. The break-ins tend to take place on the other side of the subdivision, as they are closer to the main road; we are in the "back" of the subdivision. We did have an idiot who was breaking into cars on a Thursday/Friday night on a regular basis. Got to the point where folk would remind everyone on the Subdivision Facebook page that it was Thursday/Friday night and our "friend" would be visiting...LOL Lock your cars guys!!!
By the way before I forget, thank you all for your suggestions on Costco. Will maybe have a wander around again this coming week.
So my questions for you today. Do you have a video doorbell, pro's and con's and which one do you have?
Where are you going to on vacation this year, if you are going somewhere?
I completely understand about rabbit holes! My main one is Ancestry. As for travel plans we have none. We're basically home bodies and any trip that we might plan would be to go out to BC to visit our #2 son and his family. We went in 2022 so I doubt we'll get to go again this year.
Even though we moved from a small suburb to a rural area in another state I ALWAYS lock my car doors. Why take that risk when it's easy to avoid it?
We just got back from a cruise to 6 Caribbean/Central American countries and will be going on another cruise to the UK in Spring(Scotland/England/the Orkneys/Wales/Ireland).There might be a road trip within the US later in the year too.
Have fun wherever you decide to go!
Ah, the rabbit hole, I spend a lot of time there.
I saw others mention bananas and rotisserie chicken that I forgot to mention. The bananas turn too quickly but I freeze them for baking (often as an egg substitute).
The chicken is great for that night's dinner and is a lot cheaper than me buying a chicken to roast!
I bought Ring doorbell for my elderly mother so I could keep an eye on her when she went out to her mailbox. I pay a yearly fee, around $40 or so. I have Arlo cameras at home and I don't pay any fee at all.
Do not have a video door camera and do not intend to buy one either, as we feel we do not need one. Famous last words.
Pleased you bought a new snow shovel, insurance we won't get any snow to shovel.
Vacation: my son is a golfer, won the opportunity to purchase tickets for the British Open in July. He has asked us if we would like to be travelling companions, I plan on going, but not sure about Hubby, long story.
What ever place you choose to visit I am sure you will enjoy it.
The snow shovel is a good idea.
I have that same shovel!
I bought us a Reocam surveillance camera. I really like it. The fun thing is finding critters on it. I download the images to my laptop, but otherwise it saves the videos. I can make a siren go off, too!
We don't travel. Not these days. Neither of us tolerate strangers too well. I am happier here. Our kids are voracious travellers.
Three years ago I had a trip booked for three weeks in London.
Covid happened and it never did.
But now it’s been rebooked and it’s grown into seven weeks and I’m now also going to Scotland and Ireland
Hubby is staying home. I’m going with my friend.
We don’t go on holidays every year. So when we do it’s usually a good long one.
My husband bought a video doorbell home a few months ago and i said i didn't want it. I can't explain why but I just don't like the idea, plus, I've read that having one suggests that you are into your tech and therefore might make you a target. Hubby was not best pleased, thought I was a bit crazy but the doorbell didn't go in, lol
I'm not all that fussed about going on holiday anymore, I like short breaks but if we do go anywhere I let hubby search and them tell me what he's found, I hate looking for places as I get bogged down and don't know what to choose in the end.
Hope you find somewhere nice
I'm also interested in doorbell cameras as we have had a slew of things happening locally, though not with direct neighbours. I'd be interested to know what you chose Gill.
Our vacations are local (Ontario) and budget (family camp, camping) though we didn't go on one last summer. Have you thought of going to PEI, NS or Nwfld? All so beautiful. We made it to PEI and NS summer 2019, and did rural Quebec en route there and Quebec City en route back. Was *spectacular* and would go back yearly if it was possible. Lovely beaches, quaint stores, music, good food, rest. Attractions very interesting too. NS is really booming - Halifax is very interesting with some incredible museums. Met an ex British army vet age 90+ giving historical talks. I think you'd like it. PEI is quieter, with things more spread out, but just so tranquil and lovely. Can't recommend it all enough.
I agree with the above commenter about Savannah. It is a lovely city and Tybee Island is close. I was able to spend a few days there with a friend of mine who has moved down there from Toronto. Nashville is fun too if you enjoy country music.
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