Friday, December 23, 2022

Quick and easy

I love hand knitted dish clothes.  I had bought this 5 pack of antibacterial dishclothes from Lakeland Plastics when we were in the UK earlier in the year.

(photo credit)

Now while they are okay, nothing beats my hand knitted ones, so I spent a couple of hours knitting this one yesterday.

This one is called the Mossy Dishcloth from Mockingbird KnitsIt's a free download from Raverly, here is the link to it.  All you need to know is how to knit and purl.  I will never be a great knitter, but I can do the bare basics and this is a perfect pattern for me.  I find I cannot knit for too long, as the arthritis in my finger joints get very unhappy if I do too much.

I purchased the large ball of yarn from Michaels.  I worked out it would probably made 8 or 9 dishclothes and with the coupon it worked out a whole lot cheaper than buys the smaller balls of yarn.

I know my kids don't often use dish clothes in their homes, I personally could never be without one by the sink.

Is a dishcloth something you use in your kitchen?


Angela said...

There is a dear little lady round the corner who knits dishcloths. She ALWAYS has a few in her bag, and gives them away to people - dogwalkers she meets in the village, folk at the bus stop (me!) etc. Yesterday I went round with a jar of chutney, as a Christmas present. She was quite overwhelmed - but I said she'd supplied me with dishcloths all year, this was a tiny gift in return. I could knit my own DCS, but Grace is so generous!

Joy said...

My lovely Nanna used to knit dishcloths and they were wonderful. So useful and so hard wearing. xx

angela said...

I use mine all the time. They’re perfect for wiping down the benches and sinks.
I knit them. Use them in the kitchen and when they’re too threadbare I used them as cleaning cloths.
And finally they get chucked into the compost as they’re all cotton and biodegradable

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Paying you a return visit! Re knitted dishcloths, this year I crocheted one which I'm packaging with a bar of homemade soap for use as a washcloth. I love them as washcloths.
Have a merry Christmas - be safe!

William Kendall said...

I have one. Really need to toss it and bring out the next one.

Maggie said...

I love knitted dishcloths although we don't really wash up I use them for wiping down the counter tops. I have rather large collection of them. I have been knitting a few news ones over the last few weeks to replace the ones that have seen better days. Love the pattern on the one you knitted

50 and counting said...

I like a knit dishcloth but use different yarn. I hold two strands of cotton crochet cotton and knit on a 2 or 3mm needle. I find they don't get as heavy as the cotton you used, when they are wet and they scrub better due to the tight knit. You can pick up crochet cotton in thrift stores and I use all sorts of colours mixed together

Gemma's person said...

Yes every day.
My mother and I wondered why my niece-in-law doesn't have a dish cloth in her kitchen. Nor a dish towel. How on earth do you clean up,wash down,wash a few dishes,clean up a spill, dry said dishes from the drainer?
This generation does a lot of things differently than we do. Beth

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I'm like you, I couldn't function without a dishcloth. I use one a day and prefer the knit ones too. Good thing as that's my skill level with kitting! :D

What do people use who don't own dishcloths I wonder?

Thanks for the pattern link. I think I will give it a go!

Rose said...

I cannot imagine life without using dishcloths...

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