Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day Sales....

For as long as I can remember Boxing Day has been the be all and end all in shopping for deals.  I am sure our kids remember going out on Boxing Day with their Christmas money ready to hit the sales and get more for their money than if they had shopped before Christmas.  I loved to hunt for that perfect deal of 75% off and getting a bargain.

I remember the kids getting up at "stupid o'clock" to line up outside of Best Buy as they wanted some sort of electronic.

Fast forward to now and I remember reading that some people say that Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales are better than the Christmas sales.  I certainly see more items on sale for longer periods of time.  Now you don't have to wait until Boxing Day to get those deals.  50% off signs are everywhere.  Is this a sign of trying to garner more business after the two years of covid?  Retail suffered such a lot during that time.  

Add into "shopping" online and less people are hitting the stores.  You don't see as many lines outside of stores like it used to show on the news stations.  I for one shop more online than in store.  Not sure if that's a sign of the times or I just can't be bothered to line up in stores.  Plus after covid, I hate being in a crowded situation.

I still look for certain things on Boxing Day, in my case wrapping paper and gift bags, as those are things I use every year.  It used to be Christmas cards as well, but I haven't bought those in a few years, as I had a stockpile.

Do you go out and/or shop online on Boxing Day?


angela said...

I had my family here today so no I don’t do the Boxing Day sales.
Anything I need is never on sale and if I buy it because it’s cheap but I don’t really need it.
Then it’s really not a bargain

William Kendall said...

The only shop I go to for these sales has them for the week, so I'll take advantage.

Maggie said...

I can remember when there were proper Boxing Day sales and people used to queue overnight to get that special deal. Like you say, not much call for that anymore. I don't bother going to sales, I hate rummaging and there are very few genuine sale items.
Sorry to hear that you have covid in the family, I hope all are recovered so that you can enjoy your planned Christmas together.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I avoid the shops completely as I dislike crowds and generally want a few days rest that doesn't include more time shopping. But I also really understand that for some it works!

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The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...