Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Before and After

First let me say I generally put up our Christmas decorations after Remembrance Day; so by mid-November.  By Boxing Day I am over it ...LOL  This year we are not hosting anything, nor expecting anyone.  As hubby was back at work on Boxing Day I decided to go from this:

Too this.  Now mind you I have not stripped the place down to give it a good clean.  It only got a quick clean.  I will strip the place down next week.
I do believe you should leave something up until the 12th night, so am leaving the small tree out until then.  I will remove it on January 6th.  It's not that big that it will get in the way and along with the Christmas arrangement it looks pretty.  Also I have enough bad luck without creating anymore by packing away all the Christmas things😊

When do you take down your decorations?  


Margaret said...

Hello from New Zealand. I leave my decorations up until the 6th. On the years I put them up that is. My sister insisted that I decorated this year so I will have to take them down too😉. Have you got all the snow storms we are hearing about on the news?

Angela said...

Usually a week or so after Christmas - once all the family have gone home. Last year I'd just finished packing away my outside Nativity Tableau when a woman in a car turned up to see it - having driven about 12 miles! Poor lady - but I'm not sure why she expected it a week AFTER Christmas Day. It has been there 4 weeks now, so once my grandson has seen it, it will come down.
I usually miss something, and find an angel or bauble in late January, rolled under the sofa or hidden behind something else.

Maggie said...

Mine come down on New Year's Eve, but this year I'm liking siting with the tree lights on and it's so dark so I may leave them up longer. I'll see how I feel in a couple of days

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I'm with you Gill. Very much looking forward to a bit more tranquility and space that comes with the decorations coming down. I'm leaving 2 gnomes and lights up. In my area many people leave the outdoor lights on at night for most of the winter!

Jenn Jilks said...

When I was a single mother, our kids were with me the first week of their two-week Christmas break, and the second one they were with their dad. I undecorated the second week!
These days, my 2nd husband likes to keep things up until 12th night. I love the lights. We've not been well, so our kids haven't come over yet, anyway.

My Piece of Earth said...

I usually leave my tree and the inside lights on until Jan 2nd. The outside lights get turned off at the same time, taking them down depends on the weather. Never, never leave them up all year long.

When I see houses with decorations and lights up outside for months after the holidays it bugs me to no end. My slight OCD clinking in I think.


Rachel said...

We decorate the Friday after Thanksgiving (here in the states). Then usually we pack everything up before the new year so we start with a clean slate. With 3 kids and a small house, I usually want my house back. This year we will take everything down on Friday the 30th as that is when Hubby is off work next and he can bring totes up and down the basement steps.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Gill, thank you so much for stopping by. I was late putting our tree up this year, along with other decorations so they will be staying up until 12th night. Happy New Year to you all.

angela said...

I’m like you and leave them until January 6th.
I didn’t put up heaps of decorations this year. So I’ll wait until I start to put them away.
It will only take me half a day to take them down

William Kendall said...

I don't put them up so it's a moot point.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

We usually leave it up until Epiphany but there were a couple of years it almost made it to Easter! I can be so slothy!

Jeanie said...

The short answer to when the decoratons come down here is -- whenever I get them down but always by Spring Equinox! Seriously, I'll take down the big tree after Twelfth Night, leave the woodland tree through winter, and possibly my happy tree. The bedroom, bathroom and family room trees will come down in January and all the Santas will be replaced by Snow Folk. I like to keep the lights till it begins to be less dark. My area in Michigan is often very cloudy throughout the year but especially the winter and I need that light!

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...