Wednesday, December 1, 2021

10/5-3-30 Challenge Day 10

I managed 20 minutes at incline 10 this morning, before dropping it down to incline 5 and working my way back up to incline 7 for the remaining 10 minutes.  So things are improving.

It snowed again, so more shoveling to do; therefore more exercise!  Also managed a small walk in the morning.

Something interesting.  The other morning I did my blood sugar when I got up before I went on the treadmill.  I then did it again after I had been on the treadmill.  It went up for 8 to 10.  All I had done was that exercising.  Someone suggested it was something to do with all the sweating you do when exercising hard?  Is that true?

So all in all on Tuesday, I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill.  Did two walks and shoveled the snow.  Plus pottered around the house.

Fitbit Stats:

Miles walked: 5.17

Step's: 12,500

Minutes of Exercise: 93

Water 16 oz x 3.....this is my good place to be with water, so that I don't spend half my life in the bathroom😊


Practical Parsimony said...

I enjoy what you do every day with the exercise. Also, interesting that blood sugar went up after exercise.

William Kendall said...

We finally got snow in the night.

Jackie said...

Not sure if exercise would do that. Perhaps it is something you should ask the doctor about.

You are doing awesome.

God bless.

Sandy said...

No idea about the blood sugar and the sweat, but maybe someone at the gym would know? Or maybe googling would help. I stopped going to the gym when Covid hit, but do a fair amount of walking outside, most days (less now that the weather has turned ugly), was doing yoga daily, but sadly have gotten out of the habit and really need to get back to it. I do planks several times a week, and do lots of yard work (well again, did until the weather turned). Trying to exercise has it's challenges. Was out doing some blog walking today and spotted you on a mutual friends blog, so thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...